Beyond Silence App Research

What is involved? Please complete the survey to provide feedback about your experience.  Even if you haven’t used the app, we would like to hear your input!

Click Here

If you are affiliated with CSMLS or St. Joseph’s Health Centre (Sudbury) and have just downloaded the app.

Click Here

If you are affiliated with CSMLS or St. Joseph’s Health Centre (Sudbury) and have filled out a survey for Beyond Silence before.

Click Here

If you are affiliated with Circle of Care, Woolwich Community Health, or Hamilton Health Sciences and have just downloaded the app.

Click Here

If you are affiliated with Circle of Care, Woolwich Community Health, or Hamilton Health Sciences and have filled out a survey for Beyond Silence before.

Click Here

If you are affiliated with another participating organization and have just downloaded the app

Click Here

If you are affiliated with another participating organization and have filled out a survey for Beyond Silence before

Thank you for participating in the research study by McMaster University titled: Beyond Silence: Advancing E-mental health solutions to support Canadian healthcare workers.

Employees in your organization have the opportunity to participate in a trial of the Beyond Silence app. The app is designed to be a “mental health coach in your pocket,” that provides private, on-demand, evidence-based mental health information, customized to your healthcare organization, as well as access to trained peer support providers.

At this time, we would like to get feedback from all employees about the opportunity to try the new mobile application (app).

If you have any questions, please contact: